The BEST Small Business Model EVER!


Expert Author Emily J. Jacques
Today, more than in any other time in history, people are searching some way to make an income without having to work for "the Man." Small businesses with fewer than five employees, or run by a single person plus a Virtual Assistant or contractor here and there are becoming more and more common. Such businesses run the gamut, from landscaping and lawn maintenance to making and selling crafts on eBay to publishing books on Kindle.
If you are looking for an idea for starting your own business, most options you'll find are able to help you reach your objective of earning enough money so as not to depend on a job. However, the various small business types differ in the kind of income they provide. For many, if not most, you get paid only one time that you put into a particular product or service. You would probably rather discover a venture where you can free up more of your time, rather than having to work forty or more hours per week.
Your best alternative here is to find a method of growing passive income. There are several different ways to do this, but only one model gives you a huge amount of leverage. What do I mean? Well, imagine that a gigantic rock has rolled over the hold where you buried an inheritance from your rich great-uncle. The rock probably weighs well over five hundred pounds, making it a challenge to move for even the most fit of body builders. How will you move it?
Somewhere in elementary and middle school you learned about an important tool called a lever. By inserting a long, strong stick of some kind under the boulder and pushing down on the far end of the stick as hard as you can, you may actually be able to move the boulder all by yourself. If not, calling a friend or two to help you will do the trick.
That's leverage, and in a business, the lever represents the structure that allows you to earn a large income without having to put in the time and effort you would need to if you were simply working a traditional job or small business. The one business model that gives you this kind of leverage is network marketing (also known as MLM). In this model, you grow a network of people who buy and sell the products that the parent company - not you! - distributes and ships.
As your network grows, simply by sharing the products and business with as many people as possible, and teaching THEM to share the products and business, your paycheck grows because you earn a commission on everyone in your group.
Leverage is key in finding a huge earning potential. If you are ready to get started with your own business in one of the fastest-growing network marketing companies today (because people love the products because they get results!), and a company that provides a huge number of business-building tools for their distributors for free, surf on over right now, watch the video, and get in touch with me.

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